Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dear Skinny Chick

I see that your thighs don't touch when you stand with your feet together.

What's that like?


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Some things

1. I'm pretty sure that the automatic faucets and toilets in my life have wasted more of the water associated with my usage than I ever could have.

2. The sound of someone trying to eat an apple quietly is far more annoying than the sound of someone eating an apple normally.

3. I'm going to have to start defriending FB friends who (a) aren't actually my friends and (b) shit all over my status updates with their nonsense.

4. That's not my sandwich.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's all this?

It's a blog. I've spent a decent amount of time under the assumption that not everyone gives two hoots about what I have to say, and since it really harms no one but myself to attempt to prove otherwise, I'm here to challenge that assumption.  We'll see what happens.

Ok, the real reason I started this thing is that I had no hot water in the shower this morning, and I had a long winding thought about the difference between what people look like in a hot shower and what people look like in a cold shower.  One is sexy.  One is not.  So maybe this blog should have been called "cold shower."  But that just doesn't have the same appeal.